Embedding Asciinema in Hugo Websites

Embedding asciinema casts in hugo websites


Following a general approach for any theme, steps to be performed (following this article):

Specific for the theme Stack: Click Here

  • Get code for asciinema player
wget https://github.com/asciinema/asciinema-player/releases/download/v2.6.1/asciinema-player.css
wget https://github.com/asciinema/asciinema-player/releases/download/v2.6.1/asciinema-player.js
  • Place them in static/css and static/js, where static is folder in the root dir of the website
  • Copy the layouts/partials/_shared/head.html or layouts/partials/head/head.html from themes/<theme-name> directory to your website’s root directory with the same folder structure
  • Do the same with layouts/_default/baseof.html
  • Append this code block for css in layouts/partials/{head or _shared}/head.html
{{ if .Params.asciinema }}
    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="{{ .Site.BaseURL }}css/asciinema-player.css" />
{{ end }}
  • And this for js in layouts/_default/baseof.html
{{ if .Params.asciinema }}
    <script defer src="{{ .Site.BaseURL }}js/asciinema-player.js"></script>
{{ end }}
  • Now let’s make a shortcode for asciinema here: layouts/shortcodes/asciinema.html

One can change the default rows and columns attributes inside <asciinema-player> tag

        src="/casts/{{ with .Get "key" }}{{ . }}{{ end }}"
        cols="{{ if .Get "cols" }}{{ .Get "cols" }}{{ else }}640{{ end }}"
        rows="{{ if .Get "rows" }}{{ .Get "rows" }}{{ else }}10{{ end }}"
        {{ if .Get "autoplay" }}autoplay="{{ .Get "autoplay" }}"{{ end }}
        {{ if .Get "preload" }}preload="{{ .Get "preload" }}"{{ end }}
        {{ if .Get "loop" }}loop="{{ .Get "loop" }}"{{ end }}
        start-at="{{ if .Get "start-at" }}{{ .Get "start-at" }}{{ else }}0{{ end }}"
        speed="{{ if .Get "speed" }}{{ .Get "speed" }}{{ else }}1{{ end }}"
        {{ if .Get "idle-time-limit" }}idle-time-limit="{{ .Get "idle-time-limit" }}"{{ end }}
        {{ if .Get "poster" }}poster="{{ .Get "poster" }}"{{ end }}
        {{ if .Get "font-size" }}font-size="{{ .Get "font-size" }}"{{ end }}
        {{ if .Get "theme" }}theme="{{ .Get "theme" }}"{{ end }}
        {{ if .Get "title" }}title="{{ .Get "title" }}"{{ end }}
        {{ if .Get "author" }}author="{{ .Get "author" }}"{{ end }}
        {{ if .Get "author-url" }}author-url="{{ .Get "author-url" }}"{{ end }}
        {{ if .Get "author-img-url" }}author-img-url="{{ .Get "author-img-url" }}"{{ end }}
  • Finally create a new post and set asciinema = true in the metadata (for toml)
  • And embed the asciinema cast as follows in the body part
{{< asciinema key="demo-folder/demo-cast.cast" rows="35" preload="1" >}}
  • And don’t forget to put your .cast file in static/casts/demo-folder/democast.cast

First attempt at the task

Correcting the mistakes done above


For the Stack theme, the kind developer of the theme @zhixuan666 mentioned a more efficient way to do it.

Here is his reply to the GitHub issue: link


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